Thursday, November 13, 2014

Micah turned 9!!

Well in March Micah turned 9.  We had the Cordell family over to celebrate with a sleep over and good time.  Micah also started school this fall at Rand Rd. Elementary, the elementary school in our neighborhood.  This was a change from his old school and it was an adjustment for sure, as Micah likes things the "way they are" he is a creature of habit, however I can see how he is growing in different and good ways through this.  Because the school is only .3 miles from our house he gets to be the leader and walk Anna and Sammy to school and he is doing great at that.  Micah still plays soccer, loves hats and being a goof off, he's a lot of fun!!

Some pics from the year:

Micah's party with part of the Cordell crew.

Micah blowing out candles in his fedora-love hats!

His 9 year old chocolate chip pancake:)

Playing on his last season with the Crusaders…moved to a new team in Garner league.

Micah getting his trophy at the end of the season from the best coach ever!

Catching up-Isaiah's birthday:)

Well I keep thinking I need to journal, post catch up with the blog and then more weeks go by.  So anyway, I will try to update through the year with some highlights.

In January we brought Asa home, and as I said before he now shares a birthday with Isaiah.

Isaiah turned 11 this year and the luxury of posting so late in the year is I can share how he has grown so much this year.  Isaiah started middle school this year and not only that but not at home anymore, off to North Garner Middle School he went!  He had some friends that were on his soccer team at the school so that really helped him adjust.  He is doing great!!  It definitely is a bigger workload, but he has risen to the occasion and although he wont' say it, I think he really enjoys it.
We are so thankful for how he is growing up, he is a real helper around the house, especially with Asa.
He still plays soccer and enjoys watching football.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow pics!!

We got a good snow about 3-4 inches on Tuesday night, so the kids got to enjoy playing in it today!

Isaiah-11 years old!

Micah-gathering snow balls!

Sammy ready for action!

Shiloh excited!

Anna on the porch, she fell and hurt her hands during the morning snow outing, so decided to watch from the porch.

Look for the red jacket, and dark specks, that's Travis and the kids in the back of our house!

Isaiah and Sammy!

Isaiah and Sammy at the bottom!

Sammy after he broke the rule of no throwing snowballs in the face toward Shiloh, is this the look of an innocent person?

We couldn't leave Asa out, he enjoyed being outside for like 10 minutes, he slept through it all!

Shiloh slowing climbing this hill, it took her awhile.

Sammy and Shiloh sledding!

Asa Jarius Williams

We are excited to announce the birth of Asa (Healer) Jarius (One Who Enlightens) Williams, who was born on January 20th.  He was 9 lb, 1 oz, 22.5.  He was a week late so had to be induced and it just so happened that it was on Isaiah's 11th birthday.  

 Many people have asked how we came up with the name, in the hospital it was funny listening to the responses when we told them his name.  Both are from the bible, but it just happened that earlier this year we were reading in 2 Chronicles and we came across Asa who was a king in Judah.  We noted the name at the time as something that could be a possibility for our baby.  So it was added to the list.  Our kids had actually been calling him Asa on and off, before he was born, so they must have known he was a boy:)  
**Side note I had only heard the name Asa on the soap opera One Life to Live, that Lorraine and I used to sneak and watch when we got home from school, (don't tell dad:) Asa Buchanan, so once I got the picture of him out of my head, I really liked the name!! 

Shiloh's Gotcha Day!!

December 10th, 2012 we met Shiloh for the first time in a loud crowded room full of people meeting their children for the first time.  It has been an amazing and eventful year to say the least, but we are so thankful to God for her.  She has come so far in a year, from speaking no English to speaking sentences.   From not being able to run or jump(which so worried her workers), to running and jumping all the time.  She still has some weakness on her left side, but we are thankful for our new staircase that is her physical therapy everyday as she climbs up and down!  She has been able to get glasses and hopefully see the world better than she did before.  She loves her siblings and when one is gone somewhere, always asks, usually over and over where they are.  We are thankful that Shiloh is now a Williams, its hard to believe its been a year!

Meeting Shiloh for the first time!

Shiloh, Dec 2013!!

Christmas stuff-misc. 3

We had a good morning of a big breakfast, opening gifts and playing the wise man game with the kids, Here are a few pics from our morning.  We were glad Grandma Donna was able to be with us!

Shiloh, sporting Anna's new headbands!

Grandma Donna, new sweater!

Cool stool from Grandaddy, great job reupholstering!!

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Cool puzzles from Aunt Beth with everyone's names!

New comfy blankets-yeah so fun I know!  of course from us:)
So short story, about my dad's package that he sent.  He sent it UPS supposed to be here on Friday the 20th.  It doesn't we just keep waiting thinking they are delayed for Christmas.  Finally my dad calls to track it and they say its been delivered.  So we check and he had put down the wrong zip code by one number which would be for a city over from us, however the rest of the address was correct.  Long story short they delivered it to some house in Clayton, NC with a totally different address than ours.  They would have to send a truck back out to try and retrieve this package.  So on Christmas eve, a lady pulled up at our house just as I was ranting to Travis of how they could deliver a package to a house with a totally different house number, street name and town was beyond me, it was delivered to her house and she thought we would want to get this package by Christmas!  I cried, probably because I was pregnant, but still thought that was so kind of her, and how amazing that she could find where we live, but the UPS couldn't...oh well, we got the package!!  Very thankful!

Christmas play-misc 2

Micah and Anna's school put on a Christmas play this year, it went really well considering it was a collaboration of grades preK-3rd grade.  Micah was the angel Gabriel and Anna was a narrator, they both did a great job memorizing their lines and singing!  It was also extra special because Travis' parents were in town so they were able to come to the play as well!

Anna, going over her lines.

Micah and J'marree getting ready.

"Do not be afraid Mary..."
"O Come all ye faithful"

Christmas Stuff-misc. 1

Still a little behind, but going through pictures, so thought I'd share some of our Christmas fun!  We were pretty low-key this year since baby was due in January.  We got our tree from a little farm right around the corner from our house and had a fun time decorating it as family.  Of course a lot of the ornaments ended up on one lower branch:)