Monday, March 25, 2013

Best Buds

Shiloh and Justice have become fast friends, one because they are neighbors, and two they happen to be the same size, and they currently speak the same language:))  I remember one of the first times they met, Shiloh was very fresh being home, and grabbed something out of his hand, they had a little grabbing match, and it was really cute because Justice had gone through this already too, so they were having a bonding moment.  Now they are learning how to share, and take turns in the back yard.  I took these pics one night when I was watching them, they were so cute trying on shoes together, and following each other around!
So they were both trying to sit on this stool, when I got the camera, Shiloh put her arm around Justice and he gave her this look like, what are you doing isn't that my job.

Shiloh smiling, Justice chilling! 
Having a drink together.

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